Upcoming Events
High School Faith & Fellowship Night
6-10 p.m. at Cornerstone URC in Hudsonville, MI
Open to high school age youth groups, this event will feature pizza, a movie and snacks. Cost will be $5.00 per person. Youth group leaders, please register your group numbers with our new Director Paul Van Dyke at rysdirector@gmail.com by October 2.
Post-High Faith & Fellowship Night
7 p.m. at Post Family Farm in Hudsonville, MI
Post-high singles and married couples are invited to attend a Faith & Fellowship Night at 7 p.m. Oct. 21 at Post Family Farm in Hudsonville, MI. Cost for hayride, bonfire, corn maze, donuts and cider is $15 per person (ages 18-30).
East Coast High School Retreat
November 3-5 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA
Our annual East Coast high school retreat is scheduled for November 3-5 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA. Rev. Rich Kuiken of the Pocono Reformed Bible Church in East Stroudsberg, PA will speak on the theme “Practical Proverbs for Young People.” Cost is $200.00 per person. Register via email (rysdirector@gmail.com) by October 23.
LOGOS Winter Retreat
January 4-6 at Cedar Lake Ministries in Cedar Lake, Indiana.
Post-high young adults ages 18-30 are encouraged to attend the LOGOS winter retreat planned for January 4-6 at Cedar Lake Ministries in Cedar Lake, Indiana. Cost is $260.00 per person and $480.00 per married couple. More information and registration coming in late October, D. V.